Course Syllabus


Music 3865 - SYLLABUS

Fall Semester 2012


Course:             Music 3865, Sec. 1 (Piano Pedagogy I)

CRN:                 45892

Time:                 T-TH, 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. (Eccles 150)

Instructor:        Dr. Nancy Allred

Office:               Eccles 139

Office Hours:   2:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment

Telephone:      (office) 652-7995; (435) 669-7577


Textbooks:                 Practical Piano Pedagogy, by Dr. Martha Baker-Jordan (Alfred Publ.)


Course Description

Piano Pedagogy I is designed for students pursuing a Music major and piano teachers who wish to improve their skills. This course is designed to prepare qualified pianists to teach piano effectively and to acquaint them with new materials and techniques from beginning to intermediate levels. Principles taught include rhythm, technique, sight-reading, harmonization, improvisation, transposition, music technology, practice skills, private and group lesson pedagogies, and learning styles.  In addition to the principles stated above, an in-depth examination of various piano methods will be explored throughout the semester.  This course is the first of two in a series.


Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, students will:

  1. Attend class and participate in class discussions.
  2. Complete a pedagogy notebook that includes class notes and handouts.
  3. Understand how to teach the elementary piano student, with particular focus on: piano technique, theory, rhythm, sight reading, harmonization, transposition, practice skills, performance techniques, private and group lessons, studio policies, business procedures, and learning styles.
  4. Gain sufficient knowledge of the various beginning piano methods, and understand the three approaches to teaching note reading



Students will be graded in the following areas:

  1. Attend class regularly and participate in class discussions.
  2. Compile a pedagogy notebook, which should include class notes and handouts.  The notebook should be well-organized and include divider tabs for ease of finding information.  The notebook will be previewed during the midterm, and again during the final exam.
  3. Complete various assignments throughout the semester that demonstrate knowledge of the pedagogical principles discussed in the course.
  4. Write a final paper that discusses what he/she has learned this semester and if his/her teaching has changed.


Grading:         Attendance                                50 points

                        Pedagogy notebook                  50 points

                        Written assignments              175 points

                        Final paper                                50 points


                        Total                                        325 points

Music 3865 – Piano Pedagogy I


Final grades will be given according to the following percentages:

            93% to 100%   A          80% to 82%     B-        67% to 69%     D+

            90% to 92%     A-         77% to 79%     C+       63% to 66%     D

            87% to 89%     B+       73% to 76%     C         60% to 62%     D-

            83% to 86%     B          70% to 72%     C-        Below 60%      F


Services for Students with Disabilities

Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring reasonable academic adjustment, accommodations, or auxiliary aids to be successful in this class will need to contact the DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER Coordinator (Baako Wahabu) for eligibility determination. Proper documentation of impairment is required in order to receive services or accommodations. DRC is located at the ground floor of the Financial Aid Office. Visit or call 652-7516 to schedule appointment to discuss the process. DRC Coordinator determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of services.


Dixie Email

Important class and college information will be sent to your Dmail account. This information includes your DSC bill, financial aid/scholarship notices, and notification of dropped classes, reminders of important dates and events, and other information critical to your success in this class and at DSC. All DSC students are automatically assigned a Dmail email account. If you don't know your user name and password, go to and select “Dmail” for complete instructions. You will be held responsible for information sent to your Dmail, so please check it often.


Disruptive Behavior

DSC disruptive behavior policy states, “Teachers at Dixie State College have the right to aggressively manage the classroom environment to ensure an effective learning climate.  Toward this end, teachers may dismiss and remove disruptive students from individual class activities.  If a student’s behavior continues to disrupt class activities, the teacher may dismiss and remove disruptive students from their courses.”


Important Dates for DSC

Go to for a list of important dates.  Also, see the list below:


Aug 20              Classwork Starts

Aug 24              Last Day to Add Without Signature

Aug 27              Drop/Audit Fee Begins ($10 per class)

Sep 3                Labor Day

Sep 4                $50 Late Registration/Payment Fee

Sep 10              Pell Grant Census

Sep 10              Last Day for Refund

Sep 10              Last Day to drop without receiving a "W" grade

Sep 11              Courses dropped for non-payment

Sep 14              Last Day to Add/Audit

Sep 28              Graduation Application Deadline

Oct 10              Mid-Term Grades Due

Oct 11-12          Semester Break

Oct 15              Last Day to Drop Individual Class

Nov 9                Last Day for Complete Withdrawal

Nov 12              Spring Registration open to Seniors (90+ credits)

Nov 13              Career Day

Nov 13              Spring Registration open to Juniors (60+ credits)

Nov 14              Spring Registration open to Sophomores (30+ credits)

Nov 15              Spring Registration Open to All Students

Nov 21-23          Thanksgiving Break

Dec 7                Classwork Ends

Dec 10-14         Final Exams


Course Summary:

Date Details Due