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  • Academic Innovation

    Forum for Academic Innovation Ideas and Collaboration

  • COMM-1270-40 SP19

    Our goal is to achieve good thinking that fosters effective communication. Active learning is an essential feature in our approach to teaching and learning. This course asks you to engage thoroughly in examining thinking when you are thinking. We examine fundamental elements of reasoning, we apply universal intellectual standards, and we gain intellectual traits and virtues as we engage in learning critical thinking skills. We give emphasis to elements of thought that help us open other systems of thinking in other disciplines. We actively construct knowledge, and we construct coherent rhetoric, and we respond to issues and situations from a clear and authentic perspective. When we think critically about our thinking we can develop competence in interpersonal communication, and we can engage productively in our communities and civic life.

  • MGMT-3700-40 SP19

    An in-depth examination of behavioral theories, research, and practice focusing on individual process, interpersonal processes, such as teamwork and the relationship of these to organizational process, and policies and procedures. We study areas such as socialization, motivation, communication, leadership, decision-making, conflict resolution, team-building, and adaptation to change. The emphasis is on the practical application of behavioral and organizational theory to develop managerial, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Using living systems thinking theory we seek to develop essential “soft skills” to enhance technical competencies needed in effective and efficient management.

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